5 Amazing Facts About Bill Gates’s Smart House Inside Technology

Bill Gates is one of the wealthiest person of the world and The world’s most generous social workers.

Bill Gates’ house is built on a hill in King County, opposite Medina Lake Washington. The house is worth USD 120 million as per the county’s 2012 tax records. Bill Gates’ Medina house is so big and very famous.

Bill Gates’ house features

Bill Gates’ house is operated by using high tech sensor system. We are learning from Bill Gates’ house higher technology, design rules of their house and how can we apply it in our houses and make our house more attractive and luxurious as a Bill’s house. this modern days technology grow like Chinese bamboo and very impactful of everyone life.

Smart home automation is great technology for this era and we are here to design this type of house, these house are really attractive and comfortable for everyone according to their needs and wants.

When a guest arrives, they are given a PIN that contacts the sensor in each room of the house.

here are some technology which is used in Bill Gates’ house, how to use these technology in our house and make it super comfortable.

Flooring Technology

Flooring of Bill Gates’ house is very unique and different kind of technology used for their house. It make attractive for every visitor of Bill Gates’ house.

Bill Gates’ house technology based on high tech sensor system. In flooring, they can easily track every visitor or guest using this technology and find how many people are in the house.

These technology may be improve after some time and make more attractive and effective for everyone. Now our team are working on this technology and improvement than we can help and provide to everyone in their house.

Lighting System

Lighting system of Bill Gates’ house is not very different from other house’s lighting system. Smart lighting is more impactful in our daily lifestyle in the house.

Bill Gates’ house lighting control system based upon high tech sensor system and it’s monitored and controlled by a computer. They can control every room’s light and it’s automatic operated with smart technology.

Now how can I use this technology use in our house and make more change in our house looks.

Lighting control systems serve to provide the right amount of light where and when it is needed. Automatically operated by smart phone and computer.

Their benefits

  • Energy efficient
  • Money saver
  • Increased flexibility
  • Easy to use

Wall Technology

Wall technology of Bill Gates’ house is very famous and worth watching. In this technology Bill Gates spend $80,000 for installed screens all around the mansion. The display on the screens can be changed with your mood, feeling and what you want in wall to desired painting, color, photo and wall artwork. Bill Gates’ favorite collection of artworks is store in a storage devices.

We are also use this technology for our house but it’s little expansive and difficult to installing.

Our team work on this project and make easy to install, save our money, make attractive look.

Swimming Pool With Underground Music System

Bill Gates’ house a total area of  66,000 square feet and the 60 foot long swimming pool with underwater music system and you can listen to your favorite pieces of music while swimming. There is a glass wall which one could swim under to reach the terrace outside.

Music system of the house is very good because music follow according to movement of visitor or guest from one to another room.

Automatic Irrigation System

Bill Gates’ house is eco-friendly and there are many plants in the house. For growing and improving of plants they are using a system which is automatically give water according to their requirements.

This is very useful technique for everyone who’s love to gardening in the house and make their home more eco-friendly.

We are also suggest to home gardening and Terrance garden and help to grow and design.

Our team focus on how to improve our designing process and their technology. Our designs & drawings focus on people’s need and expectations and money saving plan, make more attractive, unique and super luxury house.


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